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Saturday, March 21, 2009 ♥

you will never know the pain if you never go through it berfore. once was enough i dont want it to happen again.. i dont want to have that feeling again.. the uncertainty of making it.. i dont want to face failure again.. i am afraid of it..

listened to the sweet sound @ 12:25 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009 ♥

YEAH!! we did it! we did it! xD finally our months of preparation have paid off xD we thought srge would come in last cos the other schools were so good.. the results was called out in ascending order so when we heard acjc being called out 1st we were shocked cos we didnt expect to do better than them. super happy lah!! xD at least we are 3rd (: there is also an award for the best student conductor.. zhen yong and the student conductor of acjc both got a tie, but in the end the award went to acjc but nevermind we all noe that zhen yong is the best conductor (: the concert at nite was quite a success too (: our seniors n juniors came to support us (: the audience laughed when we performed trish tratch polka cos of our conductor's conducting hahas.. it was fun (: but then trish tratch polka was a lil messed up, journey to spain was nice (: looking forward to SYF and our concert in may (:

listened to the sweet sound @ 2:24 PM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 ♥

Yeah!! common test is finally over =D but i tink i will do v badly for it ): must jiayous le!! gambette!

listened to the sweet sound @ 2:19 PM

Thursday, January 22, 2009 ♥

i am tired.. why does it always have to be like that? i give up lah.. suan le.. heck care..
因为总是那么的痛...又何必呢? 我说过了,我不会再问...了。

listened to the sweet sound @ 9:23 PM

Saturday, December 20, 2008 ♥

yesterday went back to sch again for guitar practice ^.^ had to sing 关怀方式 again.. very fun hahas.. but dunno how to harmonise.. =x den one of our instructor treated us pizzas for lunch! (: we had our lunch at his house's rooftop garden! den went back to sch for practice again. a lil stressed up cos i still cant play those slurs well n play in the correct tempo.. i always slow down somehow.. haix.. and those fast parts i cant catch up! and that tear drop i need more practice.. i keep forgetting the fingering, which string n which fret.. argh!

wake up early today to do the physics mcqs but who knows the website is down for maintenance.. argh! i dont have enough time to do it... and i still have lots of homework not done yet.. ):

yeah!^.^ going to watch my sis performance at vch today (: i dont know why but i like to watch this kind of performance *shrugs* hahas..

listened to the sweet sound @ 9:33 AM

Wednesday, December 03, 2008 ♥

*_日夜都在等.. 但什么也等不到。只是越等越失望,一天比一天跟难过。there.. but not there.. 不知道为什么这一次的打击似乎比以前更加重.. 自己也有自己的极限.. 如果受不了了就得挂上一个大句号.. *

listened to the sweet sound @ 10:22 PM

Tuesday, December 02, 2008 ♥

1st December 2008 [Monday]
went to school with nic to view maths and physics lecture. but dont have physics lecture on difraction.. all chem lectures only. waste time lor.. after watch finish the maths lecture that we miss, me and nic went to compass point burger king to study.. take super long time to do the integration tutorial.. in the end only did 3 questions. oh ya, and we met guo jun there too. hahas.. he ask me why i didnt go to the class gathering about 1 month ago.. issit dont want to see him.. hahas.. is i not free lor.

2nd December 2008 [Tuesday]
went to school with wan jing today to clean the guitars. clean the algae and polish and very tired and hungry =x but feel very satisfied seeing the frets shine after cleaning it. (:

*_if i didnt say that, then nothing of this sort would have happen.. and today would be a normal happy day.. but anyways i was joking, since it is already like this then so be it.. it is like always i say something wrong then...... will hold back... like a tortise who keeps its head in its shell when it got frightened. super unhappy today..but have to keng all the way home.. finally i cried it all out.. feeling much more better now. my mum and sis.. i dun wan to talk about it.. haix.. *

listened to the sweet sound @ 9:50 PM

♥ that rockstar

Sup' Im an ant
And Im just your typical, normal girl-next-door
I have been listening to music since..i dunno when..hahas
I play the piano and guitar...

Free CursorsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Comments
♥ she wants

new handphone [only can change it tis yr end guess]
white grand piano [my dream piano~]
pearl white drum set
good grades for my exams
learn many languages [1st: korean, 2nd: japanese..]
learn as many musical instruments as possible [1st: drum 2nd: violin..]

To be a world famous rockstar

♥ shout-out

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